Dental emergencies happen all the time, but some require treatment from an endodontic specialist. Endodontists frequently treat patients who are experiencing sudden and severe pain due to damaged or diseased teeth. Some of the most common endodontic emergencies pertain to cracked teeth, badly infected teeth, and inflamed or infected bone tissues beneath the gums. Seeing a specialist means getting instant pain relief and reliable treatment from someone who treats similar emergencies every day. Most endodontists will administer anesthesia and sedation to help you relax during your treatment. In fact, the majority of patients experience no pain at all during their procedures.
Did you know…
that an emergency root canal could be the most effective means of relieving sudden and seemingly unbearable tooth pain? Often, the tell-tale sign of an endodontic emergency is tooth pain that begins moderately and progresses to get much worse. Endodontic emergencies require immediate treatment from an endodontist who can make room for your emergency day or night.